Male Friendships. 5 Things i've learned about Brolationships. At the age of 28, I left everyone I had ever known and immigrated to Australia from South Africa. Every friendship, relationship and acquaintance was now 7000 miles due west. I didn't know a single person on this continent, nor had I ever visited. I faced a challenge of trying to open up and make brand new friends. It's been one hell of a year, and I've made some amazing mates whilst over here. These are the tips that I found most useful on my own journey. Meaningful male friendship can make a huge impact on the quality of your overall happiness and social wellbeing, It has become increasingly difficult in our ‘connected’ world dominated by social media to make authentic new friendships. Here are 5 tips to make new mates, or strengthen your existing relationships. #1 - Understand the 4 Factors of friendship. There are 4 primary factors of any relationship. Proximity Frequency Dur...